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Alsace "Scrappy" L'Fuerst

Alsace "Scrappy" L'Fuerst

Alsace “Scrappy” L’Fuerst is a switch-hitting middle-infielder and noted threat to steal a base. When he is not hawking fly balls, taking BP, or practicing hook slides, he writes non-basebally stuff under the pseudonym Jeffrey B. Fuerst. This selection is from Diamond Dreaming, a collection of baseball poems, monologues, scenes, and essays. For inquiries: [email protected]. You can also visit his Facebook Page.
Alsace "Scrappy" L'Fuerst

Jack-It Softball: An Appraisal

by Alsace “Scrappy” L’Fuerst Springtime: When a former future of Hall of Famer’s heart turns to softball. Softball:not the high-level fast-pitch version that female athletes playwith much of the same gusto, skill sets and eyes-agog onlookersas the game better baseball players play,but the high arc, lob, put it over the plate and jack it gamethe take a hack and whack it give it a smack and crack!ki

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