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Improving Your Sex Life Is Not Difficult…At All!

Most men in their 50s suffer from a sex life crisis. It’s another thing they don’t like to talk about (like fashion, their feelings and the TV show The Bachelor) but they do suffer from problems like erectile dysfunction and low libido.

Well, instead of sulking over your lost sex drive, it’s time to do something about it. The good news is that there are easy ways to rejuvenate your sexual appetite and prowess. And that’s what this article is all about.

The only precautionary advice to men over 50 would be to consult your medical practitioner before you set out on a journey to improve your sex life. That said, let’s get started with sharing seven simple ways to rock the world of the woman you love!

Modern Medication

There are numerous prescription pills that will help you regain some of your sexual vigor. Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra have proven to be very effective for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. There are many middle-aged men who would tell you that such medication actually restored their confidence in bed and saved their married or dating lives. These pills can be a game changer for those who seriously need them, or they can just add a little fun to the proceedings for those who don’t.

Watch Your Waistline

Men in their 50s often suffer from high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels. Such medical conditions could lead them to face problems with their erections. So it’s really important that you watch your weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This means eating right and getting regular exercise. Plus, since good sex often requires a lot of physical exertion, it’s a good idea to stay in shape for those marathon sessions!

Regular Heart Checkups

Middle-aged men with diabetes or high blood pressure are allowed to use erectile dysfunction pills, but it’s highly recommended you get an opinion from a cardiologist first. You should confirm that your heart function is good enough before you take them. The reason being, ED might be a symptom of some other medical condition, like heart disease. So don’t just borrow some pills from your friend or buy them from outside the country. Be smart before you start.

Get Your Testosterone Checked

Reduced sex drive could indicate low testosterone levels. Many men are being treated for the drop in their desire, but what’s important is to address why a man’s testosterone levels have become low. It could just be a natural result of aging or it could be an indication of other underlying medical conditions. Understanding the cause could result in a better sex life.

Try Counseling 

Erectile dysfunction and low libido can damage a man emotionally. Their first encounters with these conditions, and lack of understanding about them, can be confusing and upsetting. Once you understand what’s happening and why, dealing with it isn’t a big deal. In order to put your sex life back on track, it could be helpful to see a therapist. While pills and diet can take care of ED, you also might need counseling to repair the emotional component of your sex life.

Talk Things Out

The sex drive of a middle-aged man might not match his partner’s sex drive, especially if he’s dating a younger woman. The best thing to do is to be honest and open about what’s going on with you. There is no shame in it and you’re probably not going to be able to hide it. So you might as well be forthcoming. Tell each other what both of you want to meet your sexual needs. It will most likely improve the experience for both of you.

Spare Time For Sex

Age, stress and the increasing pressures of life tend to become a barrier in a man’s sex life. It’s easy to get too busy and become too exhausted to keep love making at the top of your To Do List. That’s why it’s important to make sure you set some time aside to keep the passion alive. It shouldn’t be a chore, but sometimes it does take a little effort. Spend some time nurturing your relationship with your partner and fostering the intimacy you share.

Men over 50 have nothing to worry about. Sex life crisis at this age is fairly common and you can always work against it. Following these seven simple tips can easily bring the joy back into your life and the excitement back into your bedroom.

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The Manopause Team
The Manopause Team
An overeducated and underpaid team of writers, researchers and very opinionated men and women of all ages. Venturing into heretofore uncharted online territory, they are dedicated to entertaining, educating, inspiring and uniting men over 50 ...and the people who love them.
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