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What Happens To Sexual Intimacy In A Marriage As We Age?

As couples age, many changes occur, including changes in sexual intimacy. While it is a natural part of the aging process, many people are not prepared for the changes that come with sex in marriage after 50. However, it’s important to remember that intimacy can still be a vital and satisfying part of a long-term relationship.

Physical Changes

One of the most significant changes that occur with sex in marriage after 50 is physical changes. Both men and women may experience a decrease in hormone levels, which can lead to changes in sexual desire and performance. Women may experience vaginal dryness, making sexual activity uncomfortable or painful. Men may experience erectile dysfunction, which can make sexual activity difficult or impossible.

However, it’s important to remember that physical changes do not have to mean the end of intimacy. Many treatments are available to help with these physical changes, including hormone replacement therapy, medications, and lubricants.

Emotional Changes

In addition to physical changes, emotional changes can also occur with sex in marriage after after 50. Couples may experience changes in their relationship dynamic as they age. Children may have left the house, leaving couples with more time to spend with each other. Retirement may bring about changes in routine and priorities. All of these changes can have an impact on a couple’s sexual relationship.

However, it’s important to communicate openly and honestly about these changes. Couples should make an effort to prioritize intimacy, even if it means scheduling time for it. Open communication can help couples understand each other’s needs and desires and work together to maintain a strong sexual connection.


There are several challenges that couples may face with sex in marriage after 50. One common challenge is physical limitations. As mentioned earlier, physical changes can make sexual activity more challenging. Couples may need to experiment with different positions or seek medical treatment to overcome these limitations.

Another challenge is the fear of being judged or rejected. Couples may feel self-conscious about their bodies or their performance, leading to a decrease in sexual desire or avoidance of sexual activity altogether. It’s important for couples to communicate openly and honestly about their feelings and to work together to find ways to overcome these fears.


While sex in marriage after 50 may present challenges, there are also many benefits to maintaining a strong sexual connection with your partner. Some of the benefits of intimacy include:

  1. Improved emotional connection: Intimacy can help couples feel more connected emotionally, leading to a stronger relationship overall.
  2. Improved physical health: Intimacy has been shown to have numerous physical health benefits, including reduced stress, lower blood pressure, and improved immune function.
  3. Increased pleasure: While physical changes may make sexual activity more challenging, couples can still experience pleasure and satisfaction through intimacy.
  4. Improved self-esteem: Maintaining a strong sexual connection with your partner can help boost self-esteem and confidence.

Tips for Maintaining Intimacy

Maintaining intimacy in marriage after 50 may require some adjustments and creativity. Here are some tips for keeping the spark alive:

  1. Communicate openly and honestly about your needs and desires.
  2. Experiment with new positions and techniques to find what works best for you.
  3. Seek medical treatment for physical limitations that may be impacting your sexual activity.
  4. Make an effort to prioritize intimacy, even if it means scheduling time for it.
  5. Focus on non-sexual intimacy, such as cuddling, holding hands, and spending quality time together.

In conclusion, sex in marriage after 50 may present challenges, but it does not have to mean the end of intimacy. With open communication and a willingness to adapt, couples can maintain a strong sexual connection throughout their lives. It’s important to remember that intimacy is a vital aspect of any relationship and should be prioritized accordingly.

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The Manopause Team
The Manopause Team
An overeducated and underpaid team of writers, researchers and very opinionated men and women of all ages. Venturing into heretofore uncharted online territory, they are dedicated to entertaining, educating, inspiring and uniting men over 50 ...and the people who love them.
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