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Retired? Here Are 4 Things To Focus On In Your First Year

If you have spent most of your life looking forward to weekends and vacations, you probably won’t know what to do with all the extra time on your hands now that you are retired. In some cases, this can lead to a feeling of uselessness and even depression.

Here is a list of things that you should do within a year of retirement to make your life meaningful and enjoy the most of it.

Indulge In Hobbies

The easiest way to find the right hobby is to dwell back to your childhood. Think about what the 11-year-old-you wanted to be and let your inner child out. Do all the things that you’ve always wanted to do as a kid. Think back to the happy times before life got a little too hard and too busy and figure out what you’ve always wanted.

For example, if you wanted to be an astronaut, take up stargazing as a hobby. Or if you wanted to learn pottery, now is to buy that potter’s wheel! Sometimes our childhood dreams are better than our lifelong dreams and fulfilling them can be a lot more fun. Make a list of all the things you wished to do as a child and set out to accomplish them.

Make Your Time Count By Volunteering

R.C. Sherriff summed up the dilemma of retirement in a humorous manner when he said, “When a man retires and time is no longer a matter of urgent importance, his colleagues generally present him with a watch.”

Well, what if I tell you this does not have to be true for you? Make your time really count by volunteering. A library or the local food pantry can probably use your help and they’ll be glad to have you. If you are into it, you can volunteer at hospitals, animal rescue shelters, and even art museums. It will get you out with people of every generation and make your life a lot more interesting.

Reconnect With Family

It is said that a retired husband is often a wife’s full-time job! So be it! Pester your friends and family with fun conversations and reconnect with them. Before retirement, many of us are often so indulged in work and worries that we miss out on the chance to get involved with our families as much as we’d like to.

The easiest way to reconnect with your family is to talk to them and by ‘talk’ we don’t mean the daily chit-chat at the dining table! Hold meaningful conversations with your wife, children, and friends; talk about their likes, dislikes, dreams, and ambitions and listen to their views on unusual topics. You’ll be surprised to realize how much there is that you don’t know about them!

Love Life

In my opinion, this is the most important part of leading a happy life. Be at peace with what you’ve done and what you’ve been. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and always be grateful for the life itself.

Love your life as it is but don’t forget to make an active effort to live your life to the fullest.

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The Manopause Team
The Manopause Team
An overeducated and underpaid team of writers, researchers and very opinionated men and women of all ages. Venturing into heretofore uncharted online territory, they are dedicated to entertaining, educating, inspiring and uniting men over 50 ...and the people who love them.
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