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Episode 1 – Where Are Your Balls?

Kurt, Herb and Del are all trying to figure out what’s next for them. Kurt attends a new guys meetup to expand his horizons. Retired Del is trying to get accustomed to his second marriage and his new wife’s undying commitment and ambition with her new non-profit career. When the 3 couples get together, Beth and Amanda try to connect with Carol, who is on a completely different page. Del has a heart to heart with Herb and Kurt about life and after all they’ve accomplished, is this all there is? The guys reveal some of their own frustrations and also their desire for more without compromising their marriages.

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Beth and Amanda meet a hot new neighbor. Del sees a therapist to help him deal with a disturbing diagnosis. Herb and Kurt bring up their ‘guys trip’ plans with their wives. Kurt and Amanda are caught in a compromising position.


Del and Carol’s disconnect is becoming more of an issue. He begrudgingly has another revealing session with his therapist. Kurt is dealing with pressure and stress at work that puts his company on the line, while Herb navigates a patient without a clue.


Del surprises Carol with a romantic evening which ends up surprising them both in a disastrous way.


Ever wonder how a TV show or movie is made? We did too! So we made a TV show! After you've watched the Manopause episodes, check out the Behind The Scenes video to see how we pulled it off!

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